Telemedicine Consultations

Telemedicine consultations offer a flexibile way to connect with pet owners online to discuss their pets’ health.

Two types of telemedicine consultations are offered through our service:

Senior pet care telemedicine consultations

Duration: 60 – 90 minutes

These consultations offer a thorough assessment and discussion with pet owners about their pets’ health care. Although there are some limitations with telemedicine consultations compared to in-home consultations, telemedicine remains an effective avenue to discuss senior patient care.

Consultation goals may include:

  • Understanding your pets’ health concerns, and what to expect as their health declines
  • Creating a manageable treatment plan that focuses on enhancing quality of life, which might include dispensing medications for pain or other ailments.
  • Conduct a quality of life assessment (see below under quality of life consultations for more information)
  • Providing guidance on when to consider euthanasia
  • Offering support in preparation, during and after euthanasia or a natural passing

Quality of life telemedicine consultations

Duration: 30-45 minutes

As pets age or near the end of their life, it can be a highly sensitive time for pet owners laden with emotions and complex decisions. A quality of life consultation offers a holistic view of your pet’s overall well-being. We help work through some of the difficult questions that can emerge during this stage of life, including:

  • Should I consider further treatment (often in a veterinary clinic) or palliative care at home?
  • How can I tell if my pet is in pain?
  • How will I know when the right time to consider euthanasia is?
  • How can I prepare for the loss of my pet?
  • What pet loss resources are available to help me cope?
  • We may also recommend working through a quality of life scale together with the family, as this can provide a more objective assessment of how your pet is doing overall.