In-home Euthanasia

Helping you say goodbye to a cherished companion.

Saying farewell to a beloved companion animal can be one of the most difficult decisions pet owners will be faced with.

We understand how overwhelming it can be, and we’re here to help support families during this difficult time in the most gentle and loving manner possible. Every pet deserves a good life and a peaceful end, ideally surrounded by love in the comfort of their own home.

How will you know it is time?

Many factors can weigh into the decision around when to consider humane euthanasia, and sometimes there is not a clear path forward. For families who are grappling with this decision, we recommend a quality of life telemedicine consultation with Dr. Lizete. We are here to help guide families through the decision-making process.

Booking an appointment

If you feel it is time to consider euthanasia for your pet, please do not hesitate to contact us. Dr. Lizete will speak with families about their pets’ health before booking this appointment. The appointment is scheduled for 60 minutes, but given the sensitivitiy of the situation, the duration may vary.

We provide home euthanasia services for a range of pets—from dogs and cats, and also rabbits, guinea pigs, pet rats and mice, hamsters, gerbils, and hedgehogs.

What to expect during an in-home pet euthanasia appointment:

During the visit, Dr. Lizete will start by explaining the euthanasia process respecting your preferences for detail, and always giving families opportunities to ask any questions prior to proceeding. For Dr. Lizete, it is important for the euthanasia process to be as peaceful as possible, both for the pet and for the family.

One to two sedatives will be administered allowing your pet to relax into a comfortable sleep. After ten to fifteen minutes, the level of sedation will be assessed to ensure your pet is in a deep and blissful sleep. The final medication is then administered  providing a painless and peaceful passing within ten to fifteen minutes.

Complimentary memorial keepsakes including a paw print and a lock of fur can be prepared before departure. Additionally, we provide pet loss resources that offer helpful information after the loss of a pet.

Transportation in preparation for cremation can be provided. Depending on the size of your pet, we may require assistance carrying them to our vehicle. Please see further information in the aftercare section.