In-Home Consultation

Senior, hospice, and palliative care for your pet’s comfort and quality of life

The later years of life deserve as much beauty, care and respect as the beginning

We focus on senior pet care, as well as hospice and palliative care for pets with a life-limiting illness. Our main goal is to enhance comfort and improve quality of life, whether that means managing an incurable illness or choosing a non-intensive treatment approach.

Hospice and palliative care share the aim of providing comfort for pets with serious illnesses. Palliative care refers to chronic conditions that are not imminently life threatening.

What to expect during an in-home consultation

Our in-home consultations are 60-90 minutes in length

Through in-home consultations, we collaborate closely with families to create personalized care plans that prioritize your pets’ well-being and maintain your human-animal bond. Our approach emphasizes offering treatment guidelines that ensure pets are comfortable without the financial and emotional strain of extensive medical testing. We can support families with patient care until the time of humane euthanasia, or a natural passing.

Our consultations may include:

  • Thorough physical examination and evaluation of your pet’s current health status
  • Personalized care plans that are manageable and include pain control
  • Assess and support patient mobility
  • Working through a quality of life assessment collaboratively
  • Home assessment to suggest simple modifications for enhanced patient comfort
  • Basic in-home diagnostics (e.g. blood tests) may be recommended
  • Guidance on illness progression and euthanasia considerations
  • Support to families in preparation, during and after euthanasia or natural passing

    Collaboration with Your Veterinarian

    We are happy to work together with your family veterinarian, providing recommendations for further treatment under their care when appropriate. We do not offer routine vaccinations and we recommend contacting your family veterinarian for this service.

    Why choose an in-home consultation?

    In-home consultations provide a more peaceful and comfortable environment for you and your pet. This will allow for a more in-depth assessment of their needs.